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Coming Back For More


I’m back to blogging here one again. I slapped a new coat of paint on my blog and I upgraded from Hugo to Astro. The last time I said I was back was in 2022, also in Feb. I lasted about 8 blog posts before I just stopped posting. This is something that I really want to stick with.

I look up to Seth Godin because he blogs everyday and it’s usually brilliant. I would like to be more like him.

Blogging everyday doesn’t really have much of an impact on your fiances, at least I don’t think personal blogging like this does, and that’s not the end goal.

It’s mostly so I could generate ideas on what to write about, then I can translate that to a newsletter and to my X, Threads, and YouTube accounts.

Or I’ll just talk about things that are completely unrelated to that.

My wife is due with our son soon and I can’t wait to meet him. I would really like this to be a resource that he can look back on one day to experience the journey his old man went through.