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How To Learn Anything Faster Using AI


I recently went through the Rapid Learner course and I recommend it.

In the course, they recommend to use a spaced repetition system to really internalize what you’re learning.

Spaced repetition systems are essentially flash cards but you grade yourself as you do them.

Cards that you fail will show up again more frequently until you get better at them.

The one that I’ve been using is called AnkiApp.

How does AI play into this?

Well you can take any course or book that you’re learning from and turn it Anki flashcards really easy.

Take the transcript of a course video, feed it into your favorite AI and ask it to give you that information back but in question and answer format.

Then ask it to give you a CSV that has the first column as the question and the second column as the answer.

Then you can import that into Anki and bingo bango, you have a deck from the course you can study.