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Lock Up Your Phone

Published: at 05:15 AM

I want you to try an experiment, I promise you that you will feel off if you try this, but in a good way.

Buy a Kitchen Safe off Amazon.

Buy a smart watch if you don’t already have one (just so loved ones could get ahold of you).

Buy the Cold Turkey blocker for your computer.

Lock up your phone in the Kitchen Safe and block all distracting websites and applications on your computer for a whole day.

Give yourself nothing to do except your work.

No more cheap dopamine hits or mindless scrolling.

You will feel strange, and that’s because of the billions of dollars that tech companies spend every year for your attention.

You will feel like an addict who just had his drugs taken from him.

These companies are distracting us from reaching our potential.

The only thing that remains is the work itself.

Try this for just a day and tell me how you feel.