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The One Thing That Will Lead To Success



I was on a mastermind call yesterday talking about how I’m in limbo right now.

I don’t want any new projects to start because my son can be born any day now and I have no idea what life is going to be like with him.

I was thinking about starting a newsletter, tweeting more, posting on YouTube etc.

My mastermind said don’t do any of that, and instead focus on one channel, which for me is cold email and cold calling.

I would really like to have a thriving personal brand, but the business growth for me right now is in cold email and cold calling.

This reminds me of the graph from the Book Essentialism.

Essentialism Graph

If I have my attention divided across several things such as a newsletter, keeping up on Twitter, and posting on YouTube, then my cold outreach efforts will suffer.

If I just focus on cold outreach, I’ll be able to make it work.

I hate annoying people with cold outreach, but it can help me help people.

If I cold call a business, build them an amazing site that converts great, then I have helped them.

They can now buy braces for their kids, buy their dream car, or simply stay in business.

For the 100 people I annoyed by cold outreach, the 1 I help will make it worth it.